Way over due!! I know lots of people don't really ready this but t least I have important parts of my life written down so that I can remember them. This particular post was suppose to to be done a year ago but I have just kept putting it off.
A year ago on May 7th 2012 I became a mother of 2 beautiful girls. Brooklyn was born on May 7th at 8:15 pm weighing 7 lb 9 oz... And this is her birth story!
It was a pretty warm Monday in Queen creek AZ and I was on my way with Chad to a OB appointment. At this time I was around 37 week along and so ready to be done with this pregnancy! Its hard when your pregnant and you have a 11 month old running around!! Well anyways my OB was going to be out of town so I had to go see other OB. I cant recall her name but had seen her once before and she was really nice. When I went in and she checked out if I was dilated and check for a few other things. I was only at a one and then she asked if she wanted to swipe my mem-brains. I had already read about this and knew if would help with progressing my labor a little faster if I was lucky. So I told her that would be fine, cause like I said I was ready to have this baby out!! She told me that this doesn't always work but for some it does it just depend. Well it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it wasn't pleasant at all :). After the appointment we went to grab a card from my brother in law Jake that was working next to the hospital at Wellsfargo so we could take it home to Heather (Chad's sister) While I was waiting in the car I was starting to get crampy and I knew the procedure that the Dr had done was working. By the time we grabbed lunch and got back home I was having more than just cramps, I was have contractions. I couldn't even really eat my food, I had no desire to eat. We finally started time my contractions and they became closer and closer together. once they were about 4 to 5 minutes apart I told Chad that we should head in, what was the worse they could do...send us back home?!?!
On the the hospital we went. The nurse took us back into Triage They went ahead and hooked me up to the monitors and started to watch my contractions and the nurse checked to see how far I was dialated I was. I believe I was only at a 2. But I was definitely having contractions that were about 6 minutes apart. So they had we walk for 1 hour to help kick start labor. After walking, which seemed like forever they had me go back into the room to check me again. this time I was up to a 4 I believe and my contractions were getting closer. They still didn't want to admit me to the hospital because I wasn't as far along as they wanted me to be (its hospital rules or something, its stupid) They let me sit there a little while longer and they made me walk again...for an hour. But this time I didn't last the whole hour. My contractions had gotten so bad that while I was walking that I was having to stop ever other minute because I was in so much pain and I was bawling it was excruciating. I lasted only like 25 minutes before I told chad I couldn't take any more. I went and laid back down and went and checked me and finally told me they would start paper work to admit me!!
They rolled me into the labor and delivery room were we waited to have our sweet baby Brooklyn!
So by now I had been "in labor" or "dealing with going in to labor pretty much all day and it was now getting into the late afternoon and still no baby. At some point I finally asked for a epidural. I was so happy but knew something was wrong when I could lift my legs more then I should. and I was starting to feel my contractions so I asked for an extra dose of the epidural medicine. Even with that I still didn't feel right. I had been through labor before and had an epidural so I knew what I was suppose to and not suppose to be feeling. They checked me every once and a while the last time they checked me I was at a 9 to a 9. Then all of a sudden my water broke and Brooklyn wasn't waiting for anyone. My body was telling me to push and the doc and the team of nurses took there sweet time getting ready to deliver our baby. I told time I couldn't wait and that I needed to push!!! And on top of that my epidural still wasn't working all the way so I felt so much more than I ever wanted to! It was awful!! I was bawling and screaming and Chad was right there by my side trying to keep me as calm as possible. He is such a great husband!! I was such a mess and he never left my side the whole day. Well at 8:26pm Brooklyn Sky Carton was born!! She was and is so perfect! She had a little head of hair and had these big chubby cheeks. And right from the get go she had that little tongue of hers sticking out. She was so silly. We told her she had a tongue like her Uncle Kirt and Uncle Colton! She looked so different from her Big sister Rylee but looked so much the same.
When family was finally able to come in a visit Rylee looked at me and didn't know what to think of me of Brooklyn! She wouldn't even go to me. But she eventually warmed up to us. All and all Brooklyn was a healthy baby and we couldn't be any happier. We were finally a family of 4! I love my family and so grateful and blessed to have her as my daughter!!
I read and I'm so glad you posted! Loved hearing this story . . . Even if it was a year late. ;)